(all pictures taken in the 21th century museum...we were closed to breaking the place apart...)
i was so blessed this past weekend to have friends from Hong Kong and Korea to come visit me
we had SO MUCH fun!!
more over we got to pray together and shared with each other what God has been doing in our life.
it's really a blessing to hear God's miracles in different people's lives.
God is so REAL!
the Korean friend is the friend of my friend from Hong Kong.
this Korean is on the Doulous (OM mission ship) currently
it was just so touching to hear her testimonies and how God is working in different countries and in different people's lives.
i guess being in Japan...in my little comfortable town
i completely forgot about the harvest is near and the workers are few
it really was a wake up call for me
Japanese trully need the Lord
it's so DRY here
people are SO blessed with materialistic supplies
but their souls are so DRY
May God's mercy anoint the land of the rising sun.