Monday, August 20, 2007

正夢 by スピッツ 'Masa yume' (Prophetic Dream) by Spitz

a song i fell in love with lately
i really like the lyrics

i tried to translate it but there are just some expression that i cannot describe in English

i tried...hopefully, you can taste a little of it

正夢(masayume)by スピッツ (spitz)

ハネた髪のままとび出した 今朝の夢の残り抱いて
with messy hair I ran out embracing the leftover morning dream

冷たい風 身体に受けて どんどん商店街を駆け抜けていく
with cool breeze passing through my body I ran through the street                
「届くはずない」とか つぶやいても また
although a voice muttering “it’s impossible to reach” still

I look for the unexpected

どうか正夢  君と会えたら 
somewhere in dream if I get to meet you

where should our conversation begin

I hope to see you smile

小さな幸せ つなぎあわせよう 
let’s connect the little pieces of happiness together

浅いプールで じゃれるような
in a shallow pool let’s be playful

ずっと まともじゃないって わかってる
it’s not real I know it all a along

the pain from being taken out on

there are no method to rewind

not even able to forget a single bit

forcefully I closed the cover

I don’t care if it sounds stupid

I dial it up

believing the most likely path will stick out

いつか正夢 君と会えたら 
somewhere in dream if I get to meet you

打ち明けてみたい 裏側まで
let’s pour our hearts from the inside out

愛は必ず 最後に勝つだろう 
love will win at the end

そうゆうことにして 生きていける
believing in that I live on day by day

あの キラキラの方へ登っていく
heading toward the beaming side

どうか正夢 君と会えたら 
somewhere in dream if I get to meet you

where should our conversation start

I would like to see you smile

小さな幸せ つなぎあわせよう 
let’s connect the little pieces of happiness together

浅いプールで じゃれるような
In the shallow pool Let’s be playful

ずっと まともじゃないって わかっている
it’s not real I know it all along

もう一度 キラキラの方へ登っていく
Once more I will head toward the beaming side

1 comment:

shellieos said...

Hiukei! I'm so impressed. Your Japanese is amazing! Please teach me. Onegai~